(a) Available land. The BLM may offer through a competitive process any land not inside a designated leasing area and open to right-of-way applications under §2802.10.

(b) Variety of competitive procedures available. The BLM may use any type of competitive process or procedure to conduct its competitive offer and any method, including the use of the Internet, to conduct the actual auction or competitive bid procedure. Possible bid procedures could include, but are not limited to: Sealed bidding, oral auctions, modified competitive bidding, electronic bidding, and any combination thereof.

(c) Competitive offer. The BLM may identify a parcel for competitive offer if competition exists or may include land in a competitive offer on its own initiative.

(d) Notice of competitive offer. The BLM will publish a notice in the Federal Register at least 30 days prior to the competitive offer and may use other notification methods, such as a newspaper of general circulation in the area affected by the potential right-of-way or the Internet. The notice would explain that the successful bidder would become the preferred applicant (see paragraph (g) of this section) and may then apply for a grant. The Federal Register and other notices must also include:

(1) The date, time, and location, if any, of the competitive offer;

(2) The legal land description of the parcel to be offered;

(3) The bidding methodology and procedures to be used in conducting the competitive offer, which may include any of the competitive procedures identified in §2804.30(b);

(4) The minimum bid required (see §2804.30(e)(2));

(5) The qualification requirements for potential bidders (see §2803.10); and

(6) The requirements for the successful bidder to submit a schedule for the submission of a POD for the lands involved in the competitive offer (see §2804.12(c)(1)).

(e) Bidding—(1) Bid submissions. The BLM will accept your bid only if it includes payment for the minimum bid and at least 20 percent of the bonus bid.

(2) Minimum bid. The minimum bid is not prorated among all bidders, but paid entirely by the successful bidder. The minimum bid consists of:

(i) The administrative costs incurred by the BLM and other Federal agencies in preparing for and conducting the competitive offer, including required environmental reviews; and

(ii) An amount determined by the authorizing officer and disclosed in the notice of competitive offer. This amount will be based on known or potential values of the parcel. In setting this amount, the BLM will consider factors that include, but are not limited to, the acreage rent and megawatt capacity fee.

(3) Bonus bid. The bonus bid consists of any dollar amount that a bidder wishes to bid in addition to the minimum bid.

(4) If you are not the successful bidder, as defined in paragraph (f) of this section, the BLM will refund your bid and any application filing fees, less the reasonable costs incurred by the United States in connection with your application, under §2804.12(c)(2).

(f) Successful bidder. The successful bidder is determined by the highest total bid. If you are the successful bidder, you become the preferred applicant only if, within 15 calendar days after the day of the offer, you submit the balance of the bonus bid to the BLM office conducting the competitive offer. You must make payments by personal check, cashier's check, certified check, bank draft, money order, or by other means deemed acceptable by the BLM, payable to the “Department of the Interior—Bureau of Land Management.”

(g) Preferred applicant. The preferred applicant may apply for an energy project-area testing grant, an energy site-specific testing grant, or a solar or wind energy development grant for the parcel identified in the offer. Grant approval is not guaranteed by winning the subject bid and is solely at the BLM's discretion. The BLM will not accept applications on lands where a preferred applicant has been identified, unless allowed by the preferred applicant.

(h) Reservations.

(1) The BLM may reject bids regardless of the amount offered. If the BLM rejects your bid under this provision, you will be notified in writing and such notice will include the reasons for the rejection and any refunds to which you are entitled.

(2) The BLM may make the next highest bidder the preferred applicant if the first successful bidder fails to satisfy the requirements under paragraph (f) of this section.

(3) If the BLM is unable to determine the successful bidder, such as in the case of a tie, the BLM may re-offer the lands competitively to the tied bidders, or to all bidders.

(4) If lands offered under this section receive no bids the BLM may:

(i) Re-offer the lands through the competitive process under this section; or

(ii) Make the lands available through the non-competitive application process found in subparts 2803, 2804, and 2805 of this part, if the BLM determines that doing so is in the public interest.

[81 FR 92211, Dec. 19, 2016]

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