As used in §§665.400 through 665.419:
CNMI commercial bottomfish permit means the permit required by §665.404(a)(2) to engage in commercial fishing for Mariana bottomfish MUS in the CNMI management subarea.
Guam bottomfish permit means the permit required by §665.404(a)(1) to use a large vessel to fish for, land, or transship Mariana bottomfish MUS shoreward of the outer boundary of the Guam subarea of the Mariana fishery management area.
Mariana bottomfish ecosystem component species (Mariana bottomfish ECS) means those species identified as ECS in the Marianas Archipelago FEP and not defined as Mariana bottomfish MUS.
Mariana bottomfish management unit species (Mariana bottomfish MUS) means the following fish:
Local name | Common name | Scientific name |
(1) lehi/maroobw | red snapper, silvermouth | Aphareus rutilans. |
(2) tarakitu/etam | giant trevally, jack | Caranx ignobilis. |
(3) tarakiton attelong, orong | black trevally, jack | Caranx lugubris. |
(4) bueli, bwele | lunartail grouper | Variola louti. |
(5) buninas agaga', falaghal moroobw | red snapper | Etelis carbunculus. |
(6) abuninas, taighulupegh | red snapper | Etelis coruscans. |
(7) mafuti, atigh | redgill emperor | Lethrinus rubrioperculatus. |
(8) funai, saas | blueline snapper | Lutjanus kasmira. |
(9) buninas, falaghal-maroobw | yellowtail snapper | Pristipomoides auricilla. |
(10) buninas, pakapaka, falaghal-maroobw, | pink snapper | Pristipomoides filamentosus. |
(11) buninas, falaghal-maroobw | yelloweye snapper | Pristipomoides flavipinnis. |
(12) buninas, falaghal-maroobw | pink snapper | Pristipomoides sieboldii. |
(13) buninas rayao amariyu, falaghal-maroobw | flower snapper | Pristipomoides zonatus. |
[75 FR 2205, Jan. 14, 2010, as amended at 84 FR 2774, Feb. 8, 2019; 84 FR 29397, June 24, 2019]