The following germination standards for vegetable seeds in interstate commerce, which shall be construed to include hard seed, are determined and established under section 403(c) of the act:

Open Table
Artichoke 60
Asparagus 70
Asparagusbean 75
Bean, garden 70
Bean, lima 70
Bean, runner 75
Beet 65
Broadbean 75
Broccoli 75
Brussels sprouts 70
Burdock, great 60
Cabbage 75
Cabbage, tronchuda 70
Cardoon 60
Carrot 55
Cauliflower 75
Celeriac 55
Celery 55
Chard, Swiss 65
Chicory 65
Chinese cabbage 75
Chives 50
Citron 65
Collards 80
Corn, sweet 75
Cornsalad 70
Cowpea 75
Cress, garden 75
Cress, upland 60
Cress, water 40
Cucumber 80
Dandelion 60
Dill 60
Eggplant 60
Endive 70
Kale 75
Kale, Chinese 75
Kale, Siberian 75
Kohlrabi 75
Leek 60
Lettuce 80
Melon 75
Mustard, India 75
Mustard, spinach 75
Okra 50
Onion 70
Onion, Welsh 70
Pak-choi 75
Parsley 60
Parsnip 60
Pea 80
Pepper 55
Pumpkin 75
Radish 75
Rhubarb 60
Rutabaga 75
Sage 60
Salsify 75
Savory, summer 55
Sorrel 65
Soybean 75
Spinach 60
Spinach, New Zealand 40
Squash 75
Tomato 75
Tomato, husk 50
Turnip 80
Watermelon 70

[59 FR 64491, Dec. 14, 1994]

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