These regulations apply to all Council actions which have the potential to affect floodplains or wetlands or which would be subject to potential harm if they were located in floodplains or wetlands. The basic test of the potential of an action to affect floodplains or wetlands is the action's potential to result in the long- or short-term adverse impacts associated with:

(a) The occupancy or modification of floodplains, or the direct and indirect support of floodplain development; or

(b) The destruction or modification of wetlands or the direct or indirect support of new construction in wetlands.

These procedures apply to Level A and B regional or river basin planning activities carried out by regional planning sponsors including consideration of inclusion of site specific projects in Level A or B regional or river basin plans. These procedures do not apply to site specific Level C planning carried out by individual Federal agencies. Each Federal agency shall use its own procedures promulgated pursuant to these Orders for such Level C planning.

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