The following definitions shall apply throughout this regulation:

(a) All definitions from section 6 of E.O. 11988 (42 FR 26951); all definitions from section 7 of E.O. 11990 (42 FR 26951); and all definitions listed in the Glossary of the Council's Floodplain Management Guidelines for Implementing E.O. 11988 (43 FR 6030) from the term base flood through the term structures.

(b) Action means all Council activities including but not limited to plan review, study preparation, preparation and modifications to the Council's Principles, Standards and Procedures (P,S,&P), provision of financial assistance for State, regional, and river basin planning and reviews of compliance.

(c) Council means the U.S. Water Resources Council.

(d) Enhance means to increase, heighten, or improve the natural and beneficial values associated with wetlands.

(e) Regional planning sponsors means Federal agencies, states, groups of States, river basin commissions, interstate compact commissions and interagency committees.

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