22 CFR § 313.3
Public access to guidance documents
November 19, 2020

The Agency, whenever it issues a guidance document as defined in this part, shall:

(a) Ensure it is identified by the document's title and date of issuance or revision and is placed on its website within a single, searchable, indexed database, and available to the public;

(b) Note on an Agency website that guidance documents lack the force and effect of law, except as authorized by law or as incorporated into a contract;

(c) Maintain and advertise on an Agency website a means for the public to comment electronically on guidance documents that are subject to the notice-and-comment procedures and to submit requests electronically for issuance, reconsideration, modification, or rescission of guidance documents in accordance with §313.6; and

(d) Designate the Office of the General Counsel to receive and address any complaints from the public that the Agency is not following the requirements of E.O 13891, entitled “Promoting the Rule of Law through Improved Agency Guidance Documents” (October 9, 2019), or is improperly treating a guidance document as a binding requirement.

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