22 CFR § 501.3
Noncompetitive interchange between Civil Service and Foreign Service
November 19, 2020

(a) An agreement between the Office of Personnel Management and the Board under the provisions of Executive Order 11219 (3 CFR 1964-65 Comp. p. 303) provides for the noncompetitive appointment of present or former Foreign Service employees as career or career conditional Civil Service employees.

(b) Under this agreement former career personnel of the Board's Foreign Service (FSCR, FSRU, FSIO, FSS, FSO, or FP) and such present personnel desiring to transfer, are eligible, under certain conditions, for noncompetitive career or career-conditional appointment in any Federal agency that desires to appoint them. The President has authorized the Office of Personnel Management by executive order to waive the requirements for competitive examination and appointment for such Board career Foreign Service personnel.

(c) A present or former Civil Service employee may be appointed on a competitive basis in any Foreign Service class for which the employee has qualified under the provisions of section 3947 of title 22, United States Code.

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