(a) Except as provided in §59.404 of this subpart, each manufacturer and importer of any architectural coating subject to the provisions of this subpart may exceed the applicable VOC content limit in table 1 of this subpart for the coating if the manufacturer or importer pays an annual exceedance fee. The exceedance fee must be calculated using the procedures in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.
(b) The exceedance fee paid by a manufacturer or importer, which is equal to the sum of the applicable exceedance fees for all coatings, must be calculated using equation 1 as follows:

Annual Exceedance Fee = The total annual exceedance fee for a manufacturer or importer, in dollars.
Coating Feec = The annual exceedance fee for each coating (c), for which a fee applies, in dollars.
n = number of coatings to which a fee applies.
(c) The exceedance fee to be paid for each coating must be determined using equation 2 as follows:

Fee Rate = The rate of $0.0028 per gram of excess VOC.
Excess VOC = The VOC content of the coating, or adjusted VOC content of a recycled coating (if applicable), in grams of VOC per liter of coating, minus the applicable VOC content limit from table 1 of this subpart (that is, VOC content of the coating minus VOC content limit).
Volume Manufactured or Imported = The volume of the coating manufactured or imported per year, in liters, including the volume of any water and exempt compounds and excluding the volume of any colorant added to tint bases. Any volume for which a tonnage exemption is claimed under §59.404 of this subpart is also excluded.
(d) The exceedance fee shall be submitted to EPA by March 1 following the calendar year in which the coatings are manufactured or imported and shall be sent to the address provided in §59.409(b).
[63 FR 48877, Sept. 11, 1998; 64 FR 35001, June 30, 1999, as amended at 65 FR 7737, Feb. 16, 2000]