Residual identificationc | Residual descriptiond | Wastewater stream identificatione | Treatment processf | Fateg | Control device identification code | Control device descriptionh | Control device efficiencyi |
aThe information specified in this table must be submitted; however, it may be submitted in any format. This table presents an example format.
bOther requirements for the Notification of Compliance Status are specified in §63.152(b) of this subpart.
cName or identification code of residual removed from Group 1 wastewater stream.
dDescription of residual (e.g., steam stripper A-13 overhead condensates).
eIdentification of stream from which residual is removed.
fTreatment process from which residual originates.
gIndicate whether residual is sold, returned to production process, or returned to waste management unit or treatment process; or whether HAP mass of residual is destroyed by 99 percent.
hIf the fate of the residual is such that the HAP mass is destroyed by 99 percent, give description of device used for HAP destruction.
iIf the fate of the residual is such that the HAP mass is destroyed by 99 percent, provide an estimate of control device efficiency and attach substantiation in accordance with §63.146(b)(9) of this subpart.