(a) Application and notification forms. Applicants, licensees, and spectrum lessees (see §1.9003) shall use the following forms and associated schedules for all applications and notifications:

(1) FCC Form 601, Application for Authorization in the Wireless Radio Services. FCC Form 601 and associated schedules are used to apply for initial authorizations, modifications to existing authorizations, amendments to pending applications, renewals of station authorizations, special temporary authority, notifications, requests for extension of time, and administrative updates.

(2) FCC Form 602, Wireless Radio Services Ownership Form. FCC Form 602 is used by applicants and licensees in auctionable services to provide and update ownership information as required by §§1.919, 1.948, 1.2112, and any other section that requires the submission of such information.

(3) FCC Form 603, Application for Assignment of Authorization or Transfer of Control. FCC Form 603 is used by applicants and licensees to apply for Commission consent to assignments of existing authorizations, to apply for Commission consent to transfer control of entities holding authorizations, to notify the Commission of the consummation of assignments or transfers, and to request extensions of time for consummation of assignments or transfers. It is also used for Commission consent to partial assignments of authorization, including partitioning and disaggregation.

(4) FCC Form 605, Quick-form Application for Authorization for Wireless Radio Services. FCC Form 605 is used to apply for Amateur, Ship, Aircraft, and General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) authorizations, as well as Commercial Radio Operator Licenses.

(5) FCC Form 608, Notification or Application for Spectrum Leasing Arrangement. FCC Form 608 is used by licensees and spectrum lessees (see §1.9003) to notify the Commission regarding spectrum manager leasing arrangements and to apply for Commission consent for de facto transfer leasing arrangements pursuant to the rules set forth in part 1, subpart X. It is also used to notify the Commission if a licensee or spectrum lessee establishes a private commons (see §1.9080).

(6) FCC Form 609, Application to Report Eligibility Event. FCC Form 609 is used by licensees to apply for Commission approval of reportable eligibility events, as defined in §1.2114.

(b) Electronic filing. Except as specified in paragraph (d) of this section or elsewhere in this chapter, all applications and other filings using the application and notification forms listed in this section or associated schedules must be filed electronically in accordance with the electronic filing instructions provided by ULS. For each Wireless Radio Service that is subject to mandatory electronic filing, this paragraph is effective on July 1, 1999, or six months after the Commission begins use of ULS to process applications in the service, whichever is later. The Commission will announce by public notice the deployment date of each service in ULS.

(1) Attachments to applications and notifications should be uploaded along with the electronically filed applications and notifications whenever possible. The files, other than the ASCII table of contents, should be in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) whenever possible.

(2) Any associated documents submitted with an application or notification must be uploaded as attachments to the application or notification whenever possible. The attachment should be uploaded via ULS in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) whenever possible.

(c) Auctioned license applications. Auctioned license applications, as defined in §1.907 of this part, shall also comply with the requirements of subpart Q of this part and the applicable Commission orders and public notices issued with respect to each auction for a particular service and spectrum.

(d) Manual filing.

(1) ULS Forms 601, 603, 605, and 608 may be filed manually or electronically by applicants and licensees in the following services:

(i) The part 90 Private Land Mobile Radio services for shared spectrum, spectrum in the public safety pool below 746 MHz, and spectrum in the public safety allocation above 746 MHz, except those filed by Commission-certified frequency coordinators;

(ii) The part 97 Amateur Radio Service, except those filed by Volunteer Examination Coordinators;

(iii) The part 95 General Mobile Radio Service and Personal Radio Service (excluding 218-219 MHz service);

(iv) The part 80 Maritime Services (excluding the VHF 156-162 MHz Public Coast Stations);

(v) The part 87 Aviation Services;

(vi) Part 13 Commercial Radio Operators (individual applicants only; commercial operator license examination managers must file electronically, see §13.13(c) of this part); and

(vii) Part 101 licensees who are also members of any of the groups listed in paragraph (d)(1)(i) through (d)(1)(vi) of this section.

(2) Manually filed applications must be submitted to the Commission at the appropriate address with the appropriate filing fee. The addresses for filing and the fee amounts for particular applications are listed in Subpart G of this part, and in the appropriate fee filing guide for each service available from the Commission's Forms Distribution Center by calling 1-800-418-FORM (3676).

(3) Manually filed applications requiring fees as set forth at Subpart G, of this part must be filed in accordance with §0.401(b).

(4) Manually filed applications that do not require fees must be addressed and sent to Federal Communications Commission, 1270 Fairfield Road, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 17325-7245.

(5) Standard forms may be reproduced and the copies used in accordance with the provisions of §0.409 of this chapter.

(6) Attachments to manually filed applications may be filed on a standard 3.5 magnetic diskette formatted to be readable by high density floppy drives operating under MS-DOS (version 3.X or later compatible versions). Each diskette submitted must contain an ASCII text file listing each filename and a brief description of the contents of each file and format for each document on the diskette. The files on the diskette, other than the table of contents, should be in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) whenever possible. All diskettes submitted must be legibly labelled referencing the application and its filing date.

(e) Applications requiring prior coordination. Parties filing applications that require frequency coordination shall, prior to filing, complete all applicable frequency coordination requirements in service-specific rules contained within this chapter. After appropriate frequency coordination, such applications may be electronically filed via ULS or, if filed manually, must be forwarded to the appropriate address with the appropriate filing fee (if applicable) in accordance with subparagraph (d). Applications filed by the frequency coordinator on behalf of the applicant must be filed electronically.

(f) Applications for Amateur licenses. Each candidate for an amateur radio operator license which requires the applicant to pass one or more examination elements must present the administering Volunteer Examiners (VE) with all information required by the rules prior to the examination. The VEs may collect the information required by these rules in any manner of their choosing, including creating their own forms. Upon completion of the examination, the administering VEs will immediately grade the test papers and will then issue a certificate for successful completion of an amateur radio operator examination (CSCE) if the applicant is successful. The VEs will send all necessary information regarding a candidate to the Volunteer-Examiner Coordinator (VEC) coordinating the examination session. Applications filed with the Commission by VECs must be filed electronically via ULS. All other applications for amateur service licenses may be submitted manually to FCC, 1270 Fairfield Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245, or may be electronically filed via ULS. Feeable requests for vanity call signs must be filed in accordance with §0.401 of this chapter or electronically filed via ULS.

(g) Section 337 Requests. Applications to provide public safety services submitted pursuant to 47 U.S.C. 337 must be filed on the same form and in the same manner as other applications for the requested frequency(ies), except that applicants must select the service code reflective of the type of service the applicant intends to provide.

[63 FR 68922, Dec. 14, 1998, as amended at 66 FR 55, Jan. 2, 2001; 67 FR 34851, May 16, 2002; 68 FR 42995, July 21, 2003; 68 FR 66276, Nov. 25, 2003; 69 FR 77549, Dec. 27, 2004; 71 FR 26251, May 4, 2006; 78 FR 23152, Apr. 18, 2013; 78 FR 25160, Apr. 29, 2013]

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