(a) The hypothetical net balance for an access element other than a Common Line element shall be computed as provided in this section.
(b) If the company does not participate in the association tariff for such element, the hypothetical net balance shall be zero.
(c) If the company does participate in the association tariff for such element, the hypothetical net balance shall be computed by deducting access revenues collected for such element from the sum of expense attributable to such element and the element residue apportioned to such company. The element residue shall be apportioned among such companies in the same proportions as the net investment attributable to such element.
(d) The element residue shall be computed by deducting expenses of all participating companies attributable to such element from revenues collected by all participating companies for such element.
[48 FR 10358, Mar. 11, 1983, as amended at 51 FR 42237, Nov. 24, 1986]