§ 138.30 Definitions.

(a) As used in this subpart, the following terms have the meanings set forth in—

(1) OPA 90 (specifically in 33 U.S.C. 2701): Claim, claimant, damages, deepwater port, discharge, Exclusive Economic Zone, facility, incident, liable or liability, mobile offshore drilling unit, navigable waters, offshore facility, oil, owner or operator, person, remove, removal, removal costs, responsible party, tank vessel, United States, and vessel; and

(2) CERCLA (42 U.S.C. 9601): Claim, claimant, damages, facility, hazardous substance, liable or liability, navigable waters, offshore facility, owner or operator, person, remove, removal, United States, and vessel.

(3) 46 CFR 69.9: Convention Measurement System, foreign-flag vessel, gross tonnage ITC (GT ITC)[1] and gross register tonnage (GRT), tonnage, and U.S.-flag vessel.

(b) As used in this subpart—

Applicable amount means an OPA 90 or CERCLA evidence of financial responsibility amount determined to apply to a vessel as provided under § 138.100.

Application means an “Application for Vessel Certificate of Financial Responsibility (Water Pollution)”, which the COFR Operator for one or more vessels has completed and verified in eCOFR, as provided in § 138.60(c)(1)(i), or signed, dated, and submitted to the NPFC by one of the submission methods specified in § 138.60(c)(1)(ii) through (iv).

Cargo means goods or materials carried on board a vessel for purposes of transportation, whether proprietary or nonproprietary. A hazardous substance or oil carried solely for use aboard the carrying vessel is not cargo.

CERCLA means the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, as amended (42 U.S.C. 9601, et seq.).

COFR means a current Certificate of Financial Responsibility (Water Pollution) issued by the Director, under this subpart, as provided in § 138.70, and posted on the NPFC COFR program website https://npfc.uscg.mil/cofr/default.aspx.

COFR Operator means a responsible party who conducts, or has responsibility for, the operation of a vessel to which this subpart applies—that is, a person who is an operator as defined in OPA 90 and CERCLA, and, when there is more than one responsible party (including more than one operator), is the operator designated and authorized by all the vessel's responsible parties to act on their behalf for the purpose of complying with this subpart, including submitting (or causing to be submitted) all Applications and requests for COFR renewal, evidence of financial responsibility and reports, and payment of all fees required by § 138.120.

(i) If a vessel has one owner and is operated by that owner, or the owner controls and is responsible for the vessel's operation, the owner is the COFR Operator. In all other cases the person who operates, or controls and is principally responsible for the operation of, the vessel (for example, the demise charterer) is the COFR Operator.

(ii) A person who is responsible, or who agrees by contract to become responsible, for a vessel in the capacity of a builder, repairer, or scrapper, or for the purpose of holding the vessel out for sale or lease, is the COFR Operator. A person who takes possession of, or responsibility for, a newly built, modified, or repaired vessel from a builder or repairer, or who purchases and operates or becomes a demise charterer of a vessel held out for sale or lease, is the COFR Operator.

(iii) A time or voyage charterer who does not assume responsibility for the operation of a vessel is not a COFR Operator for purposes of this subpart.

(iv) The designation of an operator to act as the COFR Operator on behalf of a vessel's responsible parties for purposes of this subpart does not limit who may be determined to be an operator under OPA 90, CERCLA, or both, in the event of an incident or a release.

Day or days means calendar days unless otherwise specified.

Director means the person in charge of the U.S. Coast Guard, National Pollution Funds Center (NPFC), or that person's authorized representative.

eCOFR means the electronic Certificate of Financial Responsibility web-based process located on the NPFC COFR program website, https://npfc.uscg.mil/cofr/default.aspx, and is the process COFR Operators may use to apply for and renew COFRs.

Evidence of financial responsibility means the demonstration of the financial ability of the responsible parties for a vessel to which this subpart applies to meet their potential liabilities under OPA 90, CERCLA, or both, up to the total applicable amount determined as provided under § 138.100.

Financial guarantor is a type of guarantor and means a business entity or other person providing a financial guaranty under § 138.110(c). A financial guarantor is distinct from a COFR insurance guarantor, a self-insurer, or a surety. A self-insurer, however, may also serve as a financial guarantor for others.

Fish tender vessel and fishing vessel have the same meanings as set forth in 46 U.S.C. 2101.

Fleet Certificate means a COFR issued by the Director under this subpart to the COFR Operator of a fleet of 2 or more unmanned, non-self-propelled barges that are not tank vessels and that, from time to time, may be subject to this subpart (for example, a hopper barge over 300 gross tons when carrying oily metal shavings or similar cargo). A Fleet Certificate covers, automatically, all unmanned, non-self-propelled, non-tank barges for which the COFR Operator may from time to time be responsible that does not exceed the maximum gross tonnage indicated on the Fleet Certificate.

Fuel means any oil or hazardous substance used, or capable of being used, to produce heat or power by burning, including power to operate equipment. A hand-carried pump with no more than 5 gallons of fuel capacity, that is neither integral to nor regularly stored aboard a non-self-propelled barge, is not equipment.

Guarantor means any person who has been determined to be acceptable by the Director, as provided in § 138.110, and who is providing evidence of financial responsibility on behalf of one or more of a vessel's responsible parties, other than as a responsible party providing self-insurance under § 138.110(d).

Hazardous material has the same meaning as set forth in 46 U.S.C. 2101.

Individual Certificate means a COFR issued by the Director under this subpart to the COFR Operator for a single vessel.

Insurance guarantor is a type of guarantor and means an insurance company, association of underwriters, ship owners' protection and indemnity association, or other person, serving as a guarantor under § 138.110(b). An insurance guarantor is distinct from a self-insurer, a financial guarantor, or a surety.

Master Certificate means a COFR issued by the Director under this subpart to the COFR Operator of one or more vessels that are under the custody of such person solely in the capacity of a builder, repairer, or scrapper, or for the purpose of holding vessels out for sale or lease, where such person does not physically operate the vessels. A Master Certificate covers, automatically, all of the vessels subject to this subpart held by the COFR Operator solely for purposes of construction, repair, scrapping, sale or lease. A vessel which is being operated commercially in any business venture, including the business of building, repairing, scrapping, leasing, or selling (for example, a slop barge used by a shipyard) cannot be covered by a Master Certificate and must have either a current Individual Certificate or, if applicable, a current Fleet Certificate.

Net worth means the amount of all assets located in the United States, less all liabilities anywhere in the world.

NPFC means the U.S. Coast Guard, National Pollution Funds Center. NPFC is the U.S. Government office responsible for administering the OPA 90 and CERCLA vessel COFR program.

Offshore supply vessel has the same meaning as set forth in 46 U.S.C. 2101.

OPA 90 means the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, as amended (33 U.S.C. 2701, et seq.).

Public vessel means a vessel owned or demise chartered and operated by the United States, by a State or political subdivision thereof, or by a foreign nation, except when the vessel is engaged in commerce.

Release, for purposes of this subpart, means a release as defined in CERCLA (specifically, 42 U.S.C. 9601), or a threatened release, of a hazardous substance.

Responsible party, for purposes of OPA 90 evidence of financial responsibility, has the same meaning as defined at 33 U.S.C. 2701; and, for purposes of CERCLA evidence of financial responsibility, means any person who is an “owner or operator,” as defined at 42 U.S.C. 9601, including any person chartering a vessel by demise.

Self-insurer means a COFR Operator providing evidence of financial responsibility as the responsible party of the subject vessel, as provided under § 138.110(d). A self-insurer is distinct from a guarantor.

Total applicable amount means an evidence of financial responsibility amount that must be demonstrated under this subpart, determined as provided in § 138.100.

Working capital means the amount of current assets located in the United States, less all current liabilities anywhere in the world.

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